Recommended quick start guide:
Reframing/Transforming Anxiety
NVC/Don't Take It Personally

Radical Acceptance (Tara Brach)
Wisdom of the Enneagram (Riso & Hudson)
The Invitation (Oriah Mountain Dreamer)
The Wisdom of Insecurity (Alan Watts)
Radical Honesty (Brad Blanton)
Nonviolent Communication (Marshall Rosenberg)
Backbone (David Wagner)
The Body Keeps The Score (Bessel Van Der Kolk)
Broken Open (Elizabeth Lesser)
The Tao of Pooh (Benjamin Hoff)
Man's Search For Meaning (Viktor E. Frankl)
When Things Fall Apart (Pema Chodron)
The Dance of Fear (Harriet Lerner)
Stop People Pleasing and Find Your Power (Hailey Magee)

How To Stop Feeling Anxious About Anxiety (TED Talk by Tim Box)
NVC Feelings vs Non-Feelings (When thoughts are disguised as feelings)
Nervous System Reset (Guided breathwork for 20 minutes, moderately intense)
The Kylego Exercise (Manifestation via Kyle Cease)
How To Start A Movement (Quick, powerful video on leadership)
Understanding Feelings & Needs (Great explanation by Reuban Wachs)
Why I'm Done Trying To Be "Man Enough" (TED Talk by Justin Baldoni)
NVC In Action (10 minute interview with Marshall Rosenberg)
Leading With Lollipops (Short TED Talk redefining leadereship)
NVC Steps Made Simple (5 minute intro by Cup of Empathy)
NVC For Beginners (A longer intro by Kat Green)
Intro to NVC (An in-depth intro with real-life, relational examples)
NVC Animated (An artistic intro focusing on feelings and underlying needs)

Websites & Podcasts
NVC template (Making Life More Wonderful)
NVC training (donation-based)
Cup of Empathy (Collection of intro and functional NVC material)
The Fearless Heart (NVC and other self-growth tools)
Evryman (OG men's community)
Kyle Cease (former comedian, current transformational coach)